Free is fun! To help you find your next great listen we’ve collected our favorite websites for free audiobook downloads.
Free Audiobook Downloads

Audible Free Stories – a selection of free high-quality audiobooks from the largest audiobook retailer. – provides a clean, simple interface for finding free public domain audiobooks.
Learn Out Loud – offers more than 50,000 educational audiobooks, podcasts, and videos.
Libby – the easiest way to access audiobooks and other digital content from your public library.
LibriVox – has a huge selection of audiobooks available for download. However, the website is not particularly user-friendly which is why I like Loyal Books and Librophile.
Loyal Books – provides a visually appealing way to browse audiobooks published by Librivox. You can see the book cover, view audiobooks by genre, and browse the top 100 audiobooks available for download.
New Fiction – offers a library of audiobooks that are performed by multiple actors, which they liken to modern-day radio dramas.
Project Gutenberg – a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works. The catalog includes human-read and computer-generated audiobooks (don’t waste your time with the latter).
Storynory – a free audiobook site especially for kids. A new audio story is published every week.
ThoughtAudio – a collection of professionally produced classic literature and philosophy titles.
Looking for more free audiobook options? We’ve also written about free audiobooks here:
Dear Peter,Thanks for These new ideas to add to my reading ,listening & viewing pleasure.I live close to a library within an extensive connected system.I, at least Three (3) times a month go there to get books, music ,videos,I call this my popcorn run ,the subjects vary from AbunDance to just about anything except porn.These sites are great from the Great Canadian Prairies I say Thanks Again!P.S I Haven”t seen a”like Button .I like what I see.
Thanks a lot for this information. I have been looking for months for a free download site. thanks
….awesome, many thanks for the links!